Wondering how to begin this new adventure as a motorcyclist? We have some links to help you get started!
Motorcycle permit/license requirements
Check to see what you need in your state to begin riding.
DMV.org Learn Your State's Motorcycle Permit Requirements
AAA.org Motorcycle Licenses
Motorcycle riding course
Check with your DMV, local colleges, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, and dealerships like Harley-Davidson® to find a beginner riding course.
DMV.org Motorcycle Safety Course
MSF-USA.org Basic RiderCourse
Improve / Start Your Ride https://msf-usa.org/start-your-ride/
Harley-Davidson.com Stop Dreaming, Start Riding
Riding gear
You will need: jeans, long sleeve shirt, boots, gloves, helmet, and sunglasses. You will eventually want: chaps, leather jacket, rain gear, and clear riding glasses to name a few of the many options. Here are some recommendations.
Motorcyclistonline.com A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Motorcycle Gear
Buying a bike
Picking out a bike is a very personal choice. We recommend you visit dealerships, sit on all the bikes, and test drive the ones you feel fit you the best. Look for/pay attention to seat height, feet flat on the ground, arm reach, and windshield height is below eye level. Remember, you can always change anything. Some common upgrades are windshield, saddlebags, relocate foot controls, heated grips, footboards instead of pegs, music input and speakers, trickle charger/battery connection.
Womenridersnow.com Beginner's Guide: Motorcycles to Get Started On
And some miscellaneous advice.
Rideapart.com 10 Things They Never Told You About Becoming a Biker